The Benefits

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

“Nothing of value comes easy”

Every person who embarks on this journey will gain some positive attributes. How much you gain and excel depends on how much you are willing to – Commit, Sacrifice, and Endure

Benefits of training for Teens & Adults:


Learn to Defend Yourself

There is no other hobby or sport that can save your life someday than the Martial Arts.


Get in Shape

Escape the monotony of repetitive exercise and learn something new everyday as you get in the best shape of your life.


Strengthening Bonds both Familial and Friendship

Cultivate healthy, true friendships with people of similar interests in improving & empowering their lives to better the World.


Learning the Value & Meaning of a True Family

The understanding of self-sacrifice, integrity, trust, and honor as the foundation for a healthy and prosperous relationship.


Enhance Self Esteem & Confidence

Knowing that you have better understanding and control of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally will instill you with true confidence to help you achieve all your goals.



Regain control of your life by learning to become mentally focused, fulfilling your responsibilities and being accountable for all your actions, discovering that the key to a happy life is making the right choices as well as setting proper boundaries and possessing the strength and discipline to keep them.


Stress Management & Channeling Aggression

Revitalize your body & recharge your spirit through physical outlet of mental & emotional stress, utilizing proper visualization and breathing techniques.


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