Our Vision

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

Our Vision

Harmony a Way of Life

Our Vision is to first fulfill our human potentials individually, so that we can truly become empowered to better Humanity, bringing peace and harmony to the world.

The hardest thing for an individual is to change and transform himself/herself to become better. It requires motivation from within before external circumstances forces them, which often is too late and results in disastrous consequences for oneself, others, or both.

In order to change one must first believe that he/she has the power to change. What a person needs is inspiration more than motivation. And, inspiration is through hope and hope is founded on purpose and value.  This is our goal; to inspire our students by instilling them with confidence, learning self control so that they can become empowered to realize their potential and their self-worth, through the martial discipline. Hwa Rang Do has been a proven method for almost 2,000 years, creating the most powerful warrior class in Asian History.

The way we approach this Martial Art is not as a hobby or a sport, but as an experience – an experience of living life as a knight, with honor, integrity, strength, loyalty, and most of all respect and compassion.

“Empowering the World One Person at a Time”



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